
Artist Statement

John Kipong  •  Digital Artist / Designer

Welcome to the captivating world of John Kipong, an esteemed artist from Papua New Guinea (PNG). My artistic journey began over thirty years ago, blending the dynamic possibilities of graphic design with the expressive power of painting. A proud graduate of the National Arts School and the Faculty of Creative Arts at the University of Papua New Guinea (1988-1991), my career has been marked by continuous evolution, creativity, and the pursuit of new artistic frontiers.

My professional life is deeply intertwined with my passion for fine arts painting, a passion that has grown with the advent of digital tools. These innovations have transformed traditional art practices in PNG, enabling me to integrate digital photo manipulation with classic art techniques. My artworks transform photographs and scanned images into captivating digital masterpieces, each narrating a unique story of PNG's vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and the natural textures that define its beauty.

As a non-conformist in the visual arts, I am driven by a philosophy that consistently challenges the limits of creativity. My mission is to redefine fine art in PNG using pixels as my medium, replacing traditional paints and brushes, and establishing it as an essential part of the modern art world through digital technology. My creations are more than visual pieces; they explore the deep connections between photographic realism and artistic expression, merging the real with the digital.

I present 'Endless Creativity: The Perfect Mix of Two Worlds.' This concept reflects my commitment to merging classical artistry with cutting-edge digital techniques to create revolutionary works that resonate with PNG's extensive linguistic diversity and varied cultures.

In my work, I endeavor to retain the human essence and emotional depth that AI-generated art cannot replicate. Each piece I create is a rich narrative woven from my experiences, thoughts, and emotions, a dialogue between my enduring passion for painting and the exciting possibilities of graphic design.

I invite both the Papua New Guinean and the global art community to join me on this journey of innovation, expression, and exploration. Visit my gallery on Fine Art America and discover the unique dialogue between the past and the future, the tangible and the digital, that each of my artworks embodies.

Fine Art Gallery Blog

Graphic ​Design

Print Media Specialist

Digital Painting

Fine Art Paintings

Website Design

Online Design

Fabric & T-Shirt

Custom Design

Fine Art Gallery

Digital Art Gallery